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Fleshlight Renewing Powder™

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Fleshlight Renewing Powder™

Fleshlight Renewing Powder™

Maintaining your Fleshlight has never been easier than with Fleshlight Renewing PowderCom o tempo e com o uso repetido, o SuperSkin hiper-realista da Sleeve da sua Fleshlight pode começar a perder naturalmente a sua suavidade. Ao usar regularmente o Renewing Powder, você pode manter a sua Sleeve continuando a sentir como foi durante a sua primeira experiência Fleshlight. Para melhores resultados, primeiro remova a sua Sleeve Fleshlight da sua caixa. Dispersar o pó pela sua Sleeve Fleshlight até que esteja completamente coberta com uma camada fina. Em seguida, basta colocar a Sleeve Fleshlight na sua caixa original e aproveite como de costume. NOTE: Applying Renewing Powder to any of clear/Ice sleeve may affect the transparency of the product.

Maintaining your Fleshlight has never been easier than with Fleshlight Renewing Powder™. With time and repeated use, the hyper-realistic SuperSkin sleeve of your Fleshlight may begin to naturally lose some of its softness. By regularly using the Renewing Powder, you can keep your sleeve feeling like it did during your first Fleshlight experience. For best results, first remove your Fleshlight sleeve from its case. Dispense the powder onto your Fleshlight sleeve until it is completely coated with a thin layer. Then simply replace the Fleshlight sleeve in its case and enjoy as usual. NOTE: Applying Renewing Powder to any of clear/Ice sleeve may affect the transparency of the product.

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