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Resenhas Power Bottom Boy
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Power Bottom Boy

Power Bottom Boy
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Sensação Fleshjack:


The ‘Squeeze’ inner texture is a tantalizing journey of undulating pressure points designed to envelop you in waves of dynamic stimulation. Its carefully crafted contours mimic the rhythm of intimate touch, delivering an exquisite blend of tightness and teasing release. This design promises to elevate your experience with every glide, offering unparalleled pleasure and connection.

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Power Bottom Boy

L.A., California

Once you spread those firm cheeks, it’s time to plunge into the intense and stimulating tunnel of Power Bottom Boy. Allow him to take you on a smooth ride through his rolling waves, as you penetrate deeper.

Who doesn’t have a fantasy about an always on, always available power bottom who is willing to take charge? We’ve created the Fantasy Fleshjack product for you, reintroducing the Squeeze sensation, that is considered to be the most realistic anal texture that Fleshlight has ever made.

“Once you are fully inside and moving you will find that both sides of your rod are stimulated gently with a constantly changing pressure, while the base is gripped tightly by the ribbed entrance tunnel. It’s an amazing sensation, about as close to the real thing as you can get in the absence of a willing partner.”

  • Aniversário Created with sketchtool.
    Aniversário Março 7
  • Zodiac Created with sketchtool.
    Signo do Zodíaco Peixes
  • Altura Created with sketchtool.
    Altura 6'
  • Peso 175 lbs
  • Eye Created with sketchtool.
    Cor dos Olhos Dark
  • Length
    Comprimento do Pénis 8.5"
  • Girth
    Circunferência do Pénis 3"
  • Posição
    Posição Bottom
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